
Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Sunday the 10th of June saw the college Greenpower team make their second visit as competitors to the prestigious Goodwood motor racing circuit near Chichester.  This event was possibly even more impressive than the 2017 event as for this year over 100 Greenpower cars were taking part.

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

For the second year running, the Bournemouth & Poole College Students’ Union (BPCSU) has won a prestigious award at the national NUS Awards in Birmingham. 

The College's Students' Union beat off stiff competition to win the Democracy Award for their highly successful Student Voice Conference, and for their Student Voice activities, along with the development of the Student First website. 

Wednesday, 04 July 2018

A showcase of CGI work by Bournemouth & Poole College students was held for industry experts to view the next generation of talent.

The annual Bournemouth & Poole College CGI Graduate Expo featured modelling, animation and architectural work created by more than 40 students from the foundation and bachelor of science 3D computed generated imagery (CGI) degrees. The themes of final projects on show included the Royal Signals Museum, early aviation (pre-1939 – winged aircraft), the film What Lies Beneath, and poetry by Edward Lear such as The Owl and The Pussy Cat.

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Performing Arts graduates from Bournemouth & Poole College will be taking to the London stage next month. The ensemble, known as Ardent8, will perform the world premiere of Sacrifice at the Soho Theatre, Upstairs from 31st July until 4th August.

Wednesday, 06 June 2018

Bournemouth & Poole College has launched its new Digital Skills Centre to help meet the demand of employers looking to hire young people with digital-related qualifications.
