Bournemouth & Poole College provides virtual learning and support for students

In response to the Government enforced lockdown, Bournemouth & Poole College remains ‘open’ thanks to investment in software which allows students to be taught virtually online.

Diane Grannell, Principal of Bournemouth & Poole College, explained: “At this difficult time, the education and safety of our students is paramount and we remain dedicated to their development, despite the current global health crisis. Even in these unprecedented times, we had a contingency plan in place for our students which meant that within a matter of days we were teaching online.”

The College closed its sites to students on Wednesday March 18, and began its virtual teaching on Monday March 23. All students are now studying remotely and taking part in virtual lessons given by staff. Applications for all courses and apprenticeships remain unaffected and can be made online through the website. 

Diane added: “Teaching has continued without disruption thanks to our team of 600 dedicated staff. We understand that this is a deeply upsetting time for students who were due to take their A Levels and GCSE exams this summer. However, as a priority, we’re supporting those affected to ensure they can move on as planned to the next stage of their lives, which includes starting or physically returning to college, in the autumn.”

The Student Support and Wellbeing Team are operating during the usual working hours, to be available for students at this time. In addition, Jacqueline Page, Vice Principal for Curriculum at the College, is hosting a Facebook Q&A session on Wednesday, April 8. Students and parents have the opportunity to submit their questions to the College to receive reassurance for any concerns they have regarding the impact of COVID-19 on their education. Further Facebook interactions are planned over the coming months and will be released in due course.