Bournemouth & Poole College reaffirms commitment to student engagement

On Thursday 13th February, Bournemouth & Poole College formally signed up to the Association of College’s (AoC) Charter for Student Engagement. 

The Charter, which outlines the College’s commitment to its students, was signed by Diane Grannell, Principal at the College, and Gabriel Lemos Finocchio Baraldi, President of the College’s Students’ Union. By signing the Charter, the College has committed to ten points, including:

  •  Create and nurture a culture of partnership and engagement and treat our students as partners in learning
  • Treat our students with respect and listen to their views
  • Help our students develop the skills and confidence needed for participation, leadership, advocacy and deliberation
  • Make the connection between student engagement and values of equality, democracy, the rule of law, respect and tolerance, individual freedom, political literacy and broader social issues

Diane Grannell, Principal of the College, said: 
“I am delighted to be able to sign the AoC’s Charter for Student Engagement today, alongside our Student Union President, Gabriel. At the College, our aim is to be able to engage with our students in a meaningful way, which will benefit both the College and our students. We strongly believe that students are partners in the education process, as such the College will benefit immensely from engaging with them at every level.”

Gabriel Lemos Finocchio Baraldi, President of Bournemouth & Poole College Students’ Union (BPCSU), said: 
“I believe that at the root of getting everything done, whether this is any improvements that are made or about clubs, societies and events that we do, it is important to ensure that we have excellent engagement with the students. It is important for students to maintain their engagement, not just in their lessons but in the College’s community as a whole. I believe that this Charter will truly deliver this.”

The signing of the Charter for Student Engagement comes after the College signed the AoC’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Charter in June 2019; further showing the College’s commitment to its students and staff.