How you can get involved
Be a part of The College
When it comes to making decisions about education, research shows that young people are influenced by many things – their friends, parents/carers, teachers, peers, siblings, careers advisers and the media to name but a few.
As a parent or carer you will want the very best, so it’s important you help them to keep an open mind when making their decision about what and where to study. Encourage them to consider all their options.
How we communicate with you
Every full-time student at The College completes an Individual Learning Plan, which we use to carefully monitor how they are getting on.
We’ll keep you informed of your son or daughter’s progress at parents’ evenings and/or through written reports. We’ll be clear about what they need to do to successfully complete their programme of study and when it approaches the end of their studies, we’ll help you to understand their next options.
Become a part of our community
As well as providing support at home, there are plenty of ways for you to get involved and support our student community.
We always welcome parents and guests to our exhibitions, where students display their work in areas from science investigations and CGI to photography and fashion.
You could have a great evening out at our Jellicoe Theatre; enjoy a meal in our fine dining restaurant, Escoffier; or take some time out to be pampered in our Flaunt Hair and Beauty salons.
Have your say
Your views and comments are always welcome, and for that reason we ask you to take part in our annual parents’ survey. However if you have concerns or issues at any stage of your son or daughter’s studies, we encourage you to contact the relevant Director of Learning.